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Questions Unmarried Ladies Should Ask Before Marriage..

They do not have the resilient attitude that the older generation had when it comes to marriage; their orientation is different and they are not rather to put up with any issue that would threaten their peace of mind while married.

Now, this is thought provoking and capable of sparking some questions within one.

Do people even value marriage anymore? Has the institution lost its sanctimony and core essence of existence?

Are couples getting married for the wrong or right reasons?

Do the people who walk down the aisle together have the same mindset when starting that journey? These and many more questions are things that ought to be looked into when failed or broken marriages are being reviewed.

Having said all these, it is important for the young unmarried ladies in Nigeria to sit up and think about the kind of marriage they want to have.

Much emphasis is being laid on them because they are the focal point of attention to the society. They are trained to be home keepers and are encouraged to play good roles in marriages.

Find below some of the very serious questions that every unmarried lady in Nigeria should ask her prospective partner before she gets married:

1. What are your life goals?

It is quite understandable that your partner may feel under the heat like he is on an interview table when he is being asked this question. Yes, this is because it is a serious question which is appropriate for a serious business like marriage.

2. Where do you see yourself in the next 10 to 15 years?

You also need to ask your partner this question as some men have attended quite a number of interviews. They are prepared for questions like that and have ready-made answers that would wow employers.

But you are not an employer and the answer you get there would give you an idea of what your future would be like with him. This is close to the first question and you would know whether he is fumbling or purposeful.

3. Where do you want to live?

Moving to the less intense questions, this should be on your list. You need to know where your future husband intend to settle down in; do not assume it would be the same place he has always been.

Ask and clarify things now that you can. You may need to consider your job and the life you have built before meeting him, there has to be a way you can merge all these into one.

If your partner decides to move you to the village after the wedding because he cannot cope with the cost of accommodation, then you are on your own. So ask please!

4. How do you want us to manage out finances?

Many people do not ask their partners this question because they do not think it is important. But really, when you are engaged to somebody, how do you want to manage your finances with that person?

Will you be having a joint account or separate accounts? Will his money be your money and who would be paying for what?

Nigerian ladies should know this important aspect before marriage. It would be senseless venturing into a life-long journey like that and not having a clue of how to pay the bills.

5. What plans do you have towards raising kids?

The unmarried ladies in Nigeria should never forget to ask this question. We all know that they have to go through the pain of bringing a child to the world; they also have more to do when it comes to raising them.

Nevertheless, they should ask their partners this question. Many ladies become depressed when their partners ask them to give up their jobs and careers to raise the kids. Know his plans towards this and see if it would work with yours too or see if you could talk it through.

6. Are there going to be limits or boundaries when we get married?

It is essential that you ask this question in order to know the mindset of your spouse to be. Many couples who are young in marriage have a hard time adjusting because they do not know their limits.

Will you be allowed to hang out with your friends after you are married? Are you expected to cut off from your old friends and make him the only friend you have?

Will he be having all night hangouts with his friends while you are home? This would help you avoid problems.

7. What are the values you want in your children?

Before you decide to walk down the aisle with that man, you should know the values and morals he holds in high esteem. These are most likely to be the values he would want to instill in his children. Will these values work for you as well?

8. How would you react if you caught me cheating?

Now you do not want to be caught cheating, but you need to ask in order to know how far he could go when he is angry. You may throw the question to him like it is for a friend and watch his reaction. If he gets aggressive, you would know how he is likely to react in similar situation. .

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