Are You Being Played? Here Are 10 Ways to Know..
Who among us has never been played before? When it comes to relationships, there are always those who would be more than happy to take advantage of us before we even know what’s going on.
Of course, those signs aren’t always simple. Sometimes, when you think a guy is playing you, the truth is he’s just really unsure about how he feels (which often comes with the “I’ve been hurt before” guys) and needs a little time to figure it out.
Then, there are times when the guy has it figured out and you’re being played because…well, you’re there. Maybe he’s doing it to be a jerk, maybe he’s doing it because he needs the ego boost, or maybe he’s just doing it because he can. Whatever the reason, here are 10 signs you’re being played (and reasons you should definitely rethink your relationship).
1. He Likes You… To Some Degree
If a guy says he likes you to some degree (yes, I’ve actually heard these words on more than one occasion), then you are definitely being played. He’s using your emotions to say, “Sure, I like you”…but adding the extra “to some degree” so he can say “I told you so” when he’s done with you. His feelings won’t increase, so don’t expect this guy to fall head over heels for you.Now, some men are genuinely idiots when it comes to their feelings and they’re not sure exactly how they feel. When they aren’t sure, it’s not necessarily a sign of a player, but it is something to be cautious about.
Now, some men are genuinely idiots when it comes to their feelings and they’re not sure exactly how they feel. When they aren’t sure, it’s not necessarily a sign of a player, but it is something to be cautious about. 2. He Is Always Very Vague If you ask your man a question and he’s always very vague, then he’s probably playing you. If asking him, “What are you doing tonight?” ends with, “Oh, you know, just some stuff,” or, “Not sure yet,” and he refuses to make plans with you…he’s definitely playing you. First rule: A man who is interested in you will always want to make plans with you. If he already has definite plans, or even if he has to cancel your plans because he’s exhausted from a long day of work or an emergency came up, he’s still going to at least want to make a future plan with you. If your guy is vague about his own plans, but refuses to make plans with you, then he’s playing you and he’ll only see you if it’s convenient for him.
3. You Always Do His Plans On His Time Another good way to tell if you’re being played is to pay attention to his agenda. I dated a guy who said that he hates going to the movies, so he never took me to see a film no matter how much I wanted to go. On the other hand, he went with his sister or his guy friends to the movies whenever a new movie came out that he really wanted to see. This same guy would cancel any plans at the last minute that I wanted to do, but he would be more than happy to show up for his plans that we made. I was definitely being played.
4. He Hides His Phone If you’ve been in this relationship for a while and the guy hides his phone from you (or he just recently started this little trick), then there’s a good chance you’re being played. Most people in monogamous relationships are happy to relinquish their mobile phone, or tell their honey to, “Answer that for me, will you, I’m kind of busy with the dishes?” A guy who hides his phone has something to hide. Also, if he’s constantly checking his phone when you’re out together, or leaving quickly after receiving a text, you’re being played.
5. When He Sees a Girl He Knows, You’re Not Introduced as His Girlfriend Unless you’ve heard all about his best friend, and he’s told that friend all about you, you should always be introduced as his girlfriend. If he refers to you as his “friend” and you’ve been sleeping together, then you’re being played. If he’s chatting with a woman he knows and doesn’t introduce you at all, or introduces you as his “friend” then you’re being played. If a guy likes you, he will invite you to his weekend parties or hang out with you and his friends.
6. You Often Hear The Words, “No, Baby, It’s Not Like That!” Is he always getting calls or texts from other girls? Does he cancel your plans at the last minute to go and hang out with the guys? When you confront him does he say, “No, baby, it’s not like that”? If you’re getting the “No, baby” line, then there’s a pretty good chance you’re being played. Vague answers with the defensive “it’s not what you think” are almost always bad signs.
7. Emotions Are Never Talked About Does your guy refuse to talk about his emotions with you? Sometimes, this is a self-defense mechanism for the guy who’s been broken-hearted before. More importantly, however, when you talk about yours, does he blow them off or make light of them? If you’re trying to seriously talk about how you feel and your guy keeps blowing off your feelings or telling you you’re being too sensitive, then he’s playing you. This guy does not want to be emotionally involved and he’s definitely using you. Be wary.
8. He’s Very Interested In You… Until You have Sex Lust is such a wonderful thing, isn’t it? Men fall at their knees for you when they’re trying to get laid, they pay attention to you, they open the doors for you, they even text and call you asking you how your day was. If your guy doesn’t keep up the good behavior AFTER you’ve had sex, but starts being attentive again in a couple of weeks (or drunk on the weekends), then you’re being played.
9. He’s Ready to Leave After Sex Another sure sign you’re being played is that your man jumps right out of bed and heads off after you’ve slept together. No cuddling, no future plans being made…he’s just done and gone. It’s a really bad sign, indeed.
10. He Still Talks About His Ex I once had a man tell me (in the middle of sex) that he really does love someone else, he was just using me for this. I was furious. I had another guy tell me that he’s still in love with his ex, while I was still lying naked in the after-glow.
Let me tell you, there’s nothing worse than being in bed with that third, invisible person. If your guy still talks constantly about his ex, how much he loved her or how much he misses her, or even how badly she broke his heart…he’s playing you and you will never have him emotionally.
While sometimes men are just emotionally challenged, these scenarios are definite signs you’re being played and you need to be wary of them.
What signs can you think of?